MARCH 09, 2025

Contact Pastor Clyde for more details

We would love to invite you to The Coffee Spot where you can sit, visit with friends, and have a cup of coffee. See you soon in the first room on the left on the kitchen hallway
Do you struggle to hear what is said during the service? We do have hearing devices to assist available in the back of the church on a table or at the tech booth. Let us know if it helps!

Our church is growing and we need your help by volunteering in nursery, preschool, children or youth on Sunday mornings and/or Wednesday evenings. We will be setting up a rotation schedule. If you would like to volunteer, we will have a sign-up sheet in the welcome center, email info@chicopeebaptistchurch.com or you can text/call (770) 536-3761

Our food pantry needs the nonperishable foods replenished. Items such as spaghetti noodles, spaghetti sauce, cereal, canned fruit, Ramen noodles, canned meats, soups, dry beans, rice, Vienna sausages, peanut butter, sugar, flour, and breakfast/snack bars. Donations can be dropped off at the office or in the foyer of the church


6th – 12th Grade Rally WKND

Men, come join us for breakfast and discussion on SUNDAY, MARCH 23rd , at 8:30 a.m.

All ages are invited to come on SUNDAY, MARCH 2nd, from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. and enjoy an afternoon of playing board/card games and connecting with other Chicopeeans. Several games and some snacks will be provided. You can also bring one of your favorite game to share with others. Please write your name on the game somewhere. Please call/text (770) 536-3761 with questions.

VBS 2025

02 Geneva Abercrombie
03 Rosa Parsons
06 Harley-Ann Litton
15 Jade Gomez
20 Sharon Haney
21 Rebecca George
22 Linda Smith
23 Hoyt Boyd
24 Judy Jones
24 Walter Torres
More to come…

13 First Street Gainesville, GA 30504 (770) 536-3761
info@chicopeebaptistchurch.com CCLI#1270510