Feb 17, 2019

I AM the Resurrection and the Life
By: Clyde Self
Series: Name Above All Names
John 11:1-44
When you think of resurrection, you probably think about it in terms of death and the future. You connect it to an event talked about within religious circles. However, has this concept limited the true power behind it? What if it is not just a concept but a person? What if it is not just for the future but for the present as well? Join us today as we discover that Jesus, "the Resurrection and the Life", wants to move into our dead and seemingly hopeless situations today and infuse life.
- Feb 17, 2019I AM the Resurrection and the LifeFeb 17, 2019I AM the Resurrection and the LifeBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Name Above All NamesJohn 11:1-44When you think of resurrection, you probably think about it in terms of death and the future. You connect it to an event talked about within religious circles. However, has this concept limited the true power behind it? What if it is not just a concept but a person? What if it is not just for the future but for the present as well? Join us today as we discover that Jesus, "the Resurrection and the Life", wants to move into our dead and seemingly hopeless situations today and infuse life.
- Feb 10, 2019I AM the Good ShepherdFeb 10, 2019I AM the Good ShepherdBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Name Above All NamesJohn 10:11-30 Some would qualify Jesus as simply a good man, a prophet, the beginning of a religion, or simply someone to guide your own morals by. However, none of that helps when you feel abandoned and unloved. When rejection and loneliness crowd your mind or when fear dominates your days. what do you do? Join us today as we see Jesus as so much more and learn our "Good Shepherd" in Christ is such a blessing to us every day.
- Feb 3, 2019I AM the DoorFeb 3, 2019I AM the DoorBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Name Above All NamesJohn 10:7-10 Doors are an important aspect of our lives. They come in many shapes sizes and colors. We use them for many different purposes. Today we hear about when Jesus said, "I AM The Door" and discover the power behind that name and what it means to us today. Listen and be encouraged!!
- Jan 27, 2019I AM the LightJan 27, 2019I AM the LightBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Name Above All NamesJohn 8:12; 9 Everywhere we turn, we hear bad news and things seems to just get worse. No matter the subject, a dark cloud seems to hang over it somewhere. How are we to have hope and guidance in such a dark place. Join us today as we find that power is not found in darkness, but in the presence of The Light in our life. Jesus declared, "I am the Light of the World". What does that mean and how does that apply and help me today? Hold on and you will see.
- Jan 20, 2019I Am The Bread Of LifeJan 20, 2019I Am The Bread Of LifeBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Name Above All NamesJohn 6:26-51 "Life is so unfair." Words spoke by so many that are often accompanied by sadness or disappointment. Is it even possible to live a life filled with hope? Is it possible for life to be unfair, yet rewarding? Join us today as we dive into the I AM statement of Jesus as He declares, "I AM the bread of life" and discover that striving and working for abundant life is not the answer, but seeking the "Bread of Life" is the only everlasting answer to experience abundant life today and for eternity.
- Jan 13, 2019How Majestic Is Your NameJan 13, 2019How Majestic Is Your NameBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Name Above All NamesPsalm 8; Philippians 2:9 "What’s in a name? We have names that mean a great deal and names that do not have much of a meaning. However, when it comes to God His name reveals His nature. Our perspective of God will be magnified as we behold who He says He is and not what we think He is. Join us today as we begin the series of discovering the name above all names. Knowing and experiencing His name is the key to unlocking the treasure of God’s nature. As we understand His nature, we cannot help but worship the great and mighty God, whose name is above all the earth! J E S U S
- Jan 6, 2019Dealing with the UnexpectedJan 6, 2019Dealing with the UnexpectedBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Dealing With The Unexpected2 Chronicles 20:1-25 When the unexpected happens, how we respond and not how we react will determine the success of how well we will deal with it. God records a great story in the Old Testament that reveals a lot about who we are, who He is, and how we should respond to see great success in tragedy. Join us today as we explore God’s Word to see what He tells us about dealing with the unexpected in our lives in 2019.
- Nov 18, 2018An Encouraging JourneyNov 18, 2018An Encouraging JourneyBy: Clyde SelfSeries: The JourneyHebrews 11 Can an ordinary person be a spiritual hero in the life of other people? As we have examined the life of Abraham, he has become more than just a character. He has become a friend and a man we can glean great truths from that will encourage us in our faith walk. Like a compass that directs us in the right direction, join us today as we see how Abraham's journey can encourage us in our walk.
- Nov 4, 2018I Am HereNov 4, 2018I Am HereBy: Clyde SelfSeries: The JourneyWe live in a world where what you have defines who you are. However, as we are faced with more selfishness around us, how do we deal with our own selfishness within us? Join us today as we discover an open hand can receive more provisions than a closed fist.Genesis 22:1-14
- Oct 29, 2018Love, Leave, LeadOct 29, 2018Love, Leave, LeadBy: Dr. Darin VogtSeries: Love, Leave, LeadWhen someone finds themselves with a sense of calling on their life into ministry, what does that really mean? What do they do about it? What should they expect? What is the responsibility of the congregation? Join us today and find out as Jon Smith, our youth pastor, is ordained into the ministry. John 21:15-19