Jun 12, 2022
Blessed Suffering
By: Clyde Self
1 Peter 2:20-24 Have you ever done the right thing and suffer for it? Join us today as Pastor Clyde encourages us from the Scriptures that we are not alone. However, how we respond to persecution is critical to the health and vitality of our faith. Join us now as we look at the prime example of the do not's and the do to come out blessed and victorious.
- Jun 12, 2022Blessed SufferingJun 12, 2022Blessed SufferingBy: Clyde Self1 Peter 2:20-24 Have you ever done the right thing and suffer for it? Join us today as Pastor Clyde encourages us from the Scriptures that we are not alone. However, how we respond to persecution is critical to the health and vitality of our faith. Join us now as we look at the prime example of the do not's and the do to come out blessed and victorious.
- May 22, 2022ReflectionMay 22, 2022ReflectionBy: Clyde Self1 Peter 1:13-16 When we encounter those who are hostile to our faith or just plain indifferent to it, how are we to respond. What are we to do? Join us today as we lean into the idea that who and what we are will be reflected in those moments and how God desires we live a life that clearly indicates we are connected to Him.
- May 18, 2022Hope Beyond Here & NowMay 18, 2022Hope Beyond Here & NowBy: Clyde Self1 Peter 1:1-9 We live in a culture that seems to be at odds with our faith as defined by the Bible. How are we to respond? What are we to do? Join us today as we begin the discussion and land on the foundation of the perspective that will change the emotions of the moment when we find ourselves in conflict with the culture.
- May 8, 2022The Holy SpiritMay 8, 2022The Holy SpiritBy: Clyde SelfSeries: ActsActs 1:8-2:14 - Eight days after the ascension of Jesus into the clouds, the disciples experienced a life transforming event that changed everything. The Holy Spirit was given on the day of Pentecost and indicated the beginning of the New Covenant. Join us today as we dive into this event and discover what sets the Holy Spirit apart from all other religions in the world.
- Oct 24, 2021Rivers in the DesertOct 24, 2021Rivers in the DesertBy: Clyde SelfIsaiah 43:18-19 Sometimes life hurts! Things happen and we feel in desperate need of something. We need God to just be real in the moment. Join us today as we find encouragement from Scripture that gives us hope in God and more hope in Christ that our desert can have rivers flowing through it.
- Oct 3, 2021David – True RepentanceOct 3, 2021David – True RepentanceBy: Clyde SelfSeries: David2 Samuel 11 and 12Psalms 51:1-19We can make a lot of mistakes sometimes. Some of those mistakes are considered sins. Some are so bad we wonder if God can forgive me? Join us today as we peer into the life of David and encounter how God forgives, cleanses and renews those who genuinely repent."True Repentance" from David by Dr. Andy Anderson. Released: 2021. Track 7.
- Sep 26, 2021David – What Should I Do?Sep 26, 2021David – What Should I Do?By: Clyde SelfSeries: David1 Samuel 23:1-4Let's be honest, we can make a mess of things. We decide and do things that seem to be good for us, but oftentimes make things worse. In our desire to follow Christ and do His will in our life, pursuing our own desires can get in the way. Join us today as we see David intentionally seek God in his life that brought a great victory."What Should I Do?" from David by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 6.
- Sep 19, 2021David – Rerouted?Sep 19, 2021David – Rerouted?By: Clyde SelfSeries: David1 Samuel 22:1-2 Sometimes life just runs out of fuel. We find ourselves confused and unsure of which way to go. Demands and trouble bring us to a place of despair. What are we to do? Join us today as we discover the training ground of despair and how your most difficult place can actually become your "new beginning" place."Rerouted?" from David by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 5.
- Sep 5, 2021Davdi – Experiencing Ugly?Sep 5, 2021Davdi – Experiencing Ugly?By: Clyde SelfSeries: David1 Samuel 18:6-16We live in a culture and day where it seems people are more angry, frustrated, and impatient than ever. As prevalent as it seems, how are we to deal and respond? Join us today as we learn from a man who experienced similar treatments and find the secret to his response."Experiencing Ugly?" from David by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 4.
- Aug 15, 2021David – Intimidated and Overwhelmed?Aug 15, 2021David – Intimidated and Overwhelmed?By: Clyde SelfSeries: David1 Samuel 17:2-53Sometimes life brings us intimidating circumstances. We feel overwhelmed and unqualified. Fear can get the best of us. Join us today as we visit the frontline of a battle that will offer a new perspective on our personal Goliaths and a new perspective on us!"Intimidated and Overwhelmed?" from David by Clyde Self. Released: 2021. Track 3.