Jun 14, 2020

By: Clyde Self
Series: Focus
Philippians 2:1-11
With everything that is going on in this world, you can find a number of opinions on what the world needs. What does the Bible say we need? Join us and find out today
"One" from Focus by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 3.
- Jun 14, 2020OneJun 14, 2020OneBy: Clyde SelfSeries: FocusPhilippians 2:1-11With everything that is going on in this world, you can find a number of opinions on what the world needs. What does the Bible say we need? Join us and find out today"One" from Focus by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 3.
- Jun 7, 2020PossibilitiesJun 7, 2020PossibilitiesBy: Clyde SelfSeries: FocusJohn 5: 1-9 Life is not always easy and our perspective can make it worse or better. How do we handle problems and obstacles in a biblical manner? Join us today and travel along with Jesus and a man sick his whole life and learn how problems can become opportunities."Possibilities" from Focus by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 2.
- May 31, 2020Make a Real DifferenceMay 31, 2020Make a Real DifferenceBy: Clyde SelfSeries: FocusActs 20:17-27We live in a fallen world where trouble and chaos can bring us to tears. Making a difference can seem difficult. Join us today as we peer into the focus we need to make a true difference in this world and in the lives of the people we encounter. Hear what our world really needs today that you can be part of."Make a Real Difference" from Focus by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 1.
- May 31, 2020Make a Real DifferenceMay 31, 2020Make a Real DifferenceSeries: FocusActs 20:17-27We live in a fallen world where trouble and chaos can bring us to tears. Making a difference can seem difficult. Join us today as we peer into the focus we need to make a true difference in this world and in the lives of the people we encounter. Hear what our world really needs today that you can be part of."Make a Real Difference" from Focus by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 1.