Jun 28, 2020
Can I Overcome?
1 John 5: 1-12
Are you tired? Tired of all that seems to be going on in our world as well as in our lives. Do you feel overwhelmed and unable to figure out what to do with everything happening? Being overwhelmed emotionally, mentally, and physically is not uncommon. Join us today as we look at the Biblical directive as to where we find our source to be an overcomer.
"Can I Overcome" from Searching for Answers by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 2.
  • Jun 28, 2020Can I Overcome?
    Jun 28, 2020
    Can I Overcome?
    1 John 5: 1-12
    Are you tired? Tired of all that seems to be going on in our world as well as in our lives. Do you feel overwhelmed and unable to figure out what to do with everything happening? Being overwhelmed emotionally, mentally, and physically is not uncommon. Join us today as we look at the Biblical directive as to where we find our source to be an overcomer.
    "Can I Overcome" from Searching for Answers by Clyde Self. Released: 2020. Track 2.
  • Jun 21, 2020Are They A Christian?
    Jun 21, 2020
    Are They A Christian?
    1 John 3:13-24 When we encounter individuals and their behavior, we often may ask, "Are They Even A Christian?" Some seem so good and some seem . . . well you know! Not everyone is a child of God. Join us today as we will look at the only evidence that reveals one is a Christian and how our life should show this evidence in specific ways.