Oct 20, 2019

Lasting Legacy
By: Clyde Self
Series: Greater> How Great is Our God?
The greatness of God is often only considered within our circumstances or lifetime. Is God only limited to greatness within the confines of our experience? Or, can His greatness transcend my legacy? Join us today as we examine our great God and how our legacy can last beyond our lifetime.
"Lasting Legacy" from How Great is Our God? by Clyde Self. Released: 2019. Track 3.
- Oct 20, 2019Lasting LegacyOct 20, 2019Lasting LegacyBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Greater> How Great is Our God?The greatness of God is often only considered within our circumstances or lifetime. Is God only limited to greatness within the confines of our experience? Or, can His greatness transcend my legacy? Join us today as we examine our great God and how our legacy can last beyond our lifetime."Lasting Legacy" from How Great is Our God? by Clyde Self. Released: 2019. Track 3.
- Oct 13, 2019Inspired by GraceOct 13, 2019Inspired by GraceBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Greater> How Great is Our God?2 Samuel 7:8-29Our view of God is the most important thing about us. We spend our money, interact with people, and respond to things in our life based on it. Even how we view ourselves and those around us steam from our view of God. Join us today as we peer into a pivotal moment in David's life and see just how "Great is our God"."Inspired by Grace" from How Great is our God? by Clyde Self. Released: 2019. Track 2.
- Sep 22, 2019My Life is a MessSep 22, 2019My Life is a MessBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Next Steps1 Samuel 8-31There is a special grief over a life not well lived. We love to celebrate the stories of those who have finished well, but when we encounter those whose lives bear the consequences of poor decisions and slow erosion, we sigh and wonder what could have been. And then, in quiet, private moments, we wonder how our lives will end. Will we finish well? Are we on a good track? Discover from the life of one of the Bible's greatest examples of failed potential just what it means to take God seriously.
- Sep 15, 2019TragedySep 15, 2019TragedyBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Next Steps1 Samuel 30:1-20When our car tears up, we turn to a mechanic. When something in our house breaks we call a handyman. When our body breaks, we go to the doctor. Where do we go when life breaks? The answer will determine who we become. Join us today as we walk with a man who found new hope and victory in the face of a tragedy!
- Sep 8, 2019I Messed UpSep 8, 2019I Messed UpBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Next Steps1 Samuel 12:20-25Wouldn't it be great if life came with a do-over button? How often have you found yourself making a mistake and wishing you could take back the words, undo your acti1ns, or erase the attitude that led to the whole mess? Even though we do not have an undo button for our life, God has given us great examples and truth as to what to do when we have made a mistake. Join us today as we peer into an incident where mistakes were made, but hope still reigned!
- Sep 1, 2019DisappointedSep 1, 2019DisappointedBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Next Steps1 Samuel 16:1-5When people disappoint us—whether directly or indirectly—it hurts. When the people we have invested our time and energy in fail to live up to our expectations, we experience symptoms of shock, confusion, guilt, grief, and despair. Join us today as we discover the next step following disappointment that is critical to moving on and success.
- Aug 18, 2019ForgetfulnessAug 18, 2019ForgetfulnessBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Obstacles to Spiritual Growth"Forgetfulness" from Spiritual Obstacles by Clyde Self. Released: 2019. Track 6.
- Aug 11, 2019Untrust
- Aug 4, 2019ImpatienceAug 4, 2019ImpatienceBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Obstacles to Spiritual GrowthNumbers 21:4-9
We live in a culture where we have access to what we want and can get it right now. Patience is a far cry from what we are accustomed to. However, impatience will keep us from the great things patience will bring us. Join us today as we discover the danger of impatience and how the growth of our faith in Christ takes patience and time. - Jul 28, 2019Unkempt EmotionsJul 28, 2019Unkempt EmotionsBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Obstacles to Spiritual GrowthNumbers 20:1-13Feelings . . . a word easily expressed by some but hard to express for others. What happens when our emotions get out of control? Destruction and pain often follow. Join us today as we journey with Moses and witness when his unkempt emotions created a great consequence and we will examine how we can live a life not driven by our own emotions.