Jul 21, 2019

A Haunting Past
By: Clyde Self
Series: Obstacles to Spiritual Growth
Genesis 50; Mark 5
“If I am forgiven, why does my past still bother me? Why do I feel like I am drowning and gasping for air?”Like an unwanted guest who seems to never leave, our past can continually haunt us. Living a life of faith is not absent of living affected by our past, but we can live free and abundantly in spite of our past. Join us today as we discover God’s truth on how to turn our past into purpose and live free.
“If I am forgiven, why does my past still bother me? Why do I feel like I am drowning and gasping for air?”Like an unwanted guest who seems to never leave, our past can continually haunt us. Living a life of faith is not absent of living affected by our past, but we can live free and abundantly in spite of our past. Join us today as we discover God’s truth on how to turn our past into purpose and live free.
- Jul 21, 2019A Haunting PastJul 21, 2019A Haunting PastBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Obstacles to Spiritual GrowthGenesis 50; Mark 5
“If I am forgiven, why does my past still bother me? Why do I feel like I am drowning and gasping for air?”Like an unwanted guest who seems to never leave, our past can continually haunt us. Living a life of faith is not absent of living affected by our past, but we can live free and abundantly in spite of our past. Join us today as we discover God’s truth on how to turn our past into purpose and live free. - Jul 14, 2019Unresolved GuiltJul 14, 2019Unresolved GuiltBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Obstacles to Spiritual GrowthGenesis 42:26-28; 43:18-23Obstacles are grace shrinkers in our life. God’s presence and grace can be present, but the obstacle of unresolved guilt can raise its head, distort the truth and cause us to ask the wrong questions without even realizing it. Join us today as we travel with a band of brothers who lived with unresolved guilt.
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- May 29, 2019A Living HopeMay 29, 2019A Living HopeBy: (All)Series: A Living Hope1 Peter 1:3-9When things get rough, what happens to your hope? Some times hope seems to be fragile or even rocked by our current situation. However, with a hope not tied directly to the present, we find help in the present. Join us today as we join a biblical hero of the faith, Peter, as he tells us where our "living hope" is found.
- May 12, 2019Together OvercomingMay 12, 2019Together OvercomingBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Why Church1 John 5:4; Revelation 12:11What do we do when we feel overwhelmed? When life has beaten us down and tomorrow looks like it won't be any better, what do we do? Jesus proclaimed that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. If we are the church, what do we do when we feel prevailed against? Join us today as we discover the truth that sets the church apart from all other groups!
- May 11, 2019Together – PrayingMay 11, 2019Together – PrayingBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Why ChurchOne of the greatest gifts is that through Jesus we have the very ear of God. At any moment we can pray and God hears. We can pray alone and be effective, but the very first church experienced the additional power and benefit of praying together. Join us today as we discover the benefit and power of praying together at church.