- Jan 14, 2018PART 2: AbundantJan 14, 2018PART 2: AbundantBy: Clyde SelfSeries: iBeLIeVEJohn 6:1-14What do we do when what we have is not enough for what we need? There is hope. Join us today as Pastor Clyde looks at a miracle Jesus performed and the truth it holds for us.
- Jan 7, 2018PART1: Troubled?Jan 7, 2018PART1: Troubled?By: Clyde SelfSeries: iBeLIeVEJohn 13:36-14:3
We find ourselves living in a time when trouble seems to be not only around us but going on in our lives personally. How do we combat the mentally draining and troubled heart we find our selves living with constantly? Join us today as Pastor Clyde takes us to the words of Jesus himself as he addresses the beginning of the most disturbing and troubling time the disciples faced.ck 1. Genre: Sermon. - Nov 19, 2017PART 3: No Matter What Happens?Nov 19, 2017PART 3: No Matter What Happens?By: Clyde SelfSeries: Cultivating a Life of GratitudePsalm 107When life goes south and you can't pay your bills, your health is failing, or circumstances are overwhelming, can we really be grateful during those times? Join us today as Pastor Clyde examines a section of Scripture that reminds us that personal blessings are not necessary to validate God's lovingkindness.
- Nov 16, 2017PART 2: The Enemy Can Be OvercomeNov 16, 2017PART 2: The Enemy Can Be OvercomeBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Cultivating a Life of GratitudeGenesis 3:1-7The enemy to a thankful life is not our circumstances. Neither is our ability to overcome the enemy simply based on our thinking or our words. Join us today as Pastor Clyde reveals for us the enemy that strives to destroy gratitude and how to overcome him.
- Nov 5, 2017PART1: The Power Of PerspectiveNov 5, 2017PART1: The Power Of PerspectiveBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Cultivating a Life of GratitudePsalm 105:1-5When life serves up a heaping of disappointment and discouragement how can a person be thankful or grateful? Join us today as Pastor Clyde takes us to the Scripture and we see how our choice on our perspective is powerful.
- Oct 22, 2017One HeartbeatOct 22, 2017One HeartbeatBy: Clyde SelfSeries: ONE Heartbeat
Philippians 1:27- 2:5
Success is a word we often use to measure our lives. We look at stuff and numbers and see how well things are going. However, what if God uses a different measure? What does He really desire from us as a group of believers? Join us today we look at His heart and desire for us as a church and group of believers.
- Oct 15, 2017Part 6: Esther – A Useful MessOct 15, 2017Part 6: Esther – A Useful MessBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Women in the Word
Esther 2-7
Have you ever known someone who felt like God could not use them because they were a mess or in too big of a mess? Could it be they feel like they have made too many mistakes to be used by God? Join us today as we travel with Esther and discover there is no mess too big that God's grace is not only present but can use to accomplish greater things than you ever imagined.
- Oct 8, 2017Part 5: Abigail – Moved to ServeOct 8, 2017Part 5: Abigail – Moved to ServeBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Women in the Word
1 Samuel 25:14-32
We have grown to have an expectation in our society of great service from those we patronize. If we do not receive the service we desire, we complain and often just go elsewhere. However, what happens when we are the one who should be serving. Better yet, what happens when we are put in a position where serving would mean overcoming fear, dread, or frustration. Join us today as Pastor Clyde takes us on a journey with a woman named Abigail who choose to serve even though it was dangerous and not her job. Discover how you can serve someone courageously this week and be blessed for it!
- Oct 1, 2017Part 4: Hannah – Desperate For GodOct 1, 2017Part 4: Hannah – Desperate For GodBy: Clyde SelfSeries: Women in the Word
1 Samuel 1:4-19
Sometimes life hard. In those times we can often feel as if we are alone and God is not around and He definitely seems to not be listening to our prayers. So the questions come. Where is God in the barren places of our lives? In those seasons, when everything seems to be falling apart and God is not there, Where Is He? Join us today as we discover the power of being desperate for God in prayer
- Sep 24, 2017Overcoming TemptationSep 24, 2017Overcoming TemptationBy: Abram Ehl
1 Corinthians 10:13
What does the Bible say about temptation? What do we do when we are overwhelmed by temptation? Join us as Abram Ehl examines these questions and points us to the solution.
- Jan 14, 2018PART 2: Abundant
- Jan 7, 2018PART1: Troubled?
- Nov 19, 2017PART 3: No Matter What Happens?
- Nov 16, 2017PART 2: The Enemy Can Be Overcome
- Nov 5, 2017PART1: The Power Of Perspective
- Oct 22, 2017One Heartbeat
- Oct 15, 2017Part 6: Esther – A Useful Mess
- Oct 8, 2017Part 5: Abigail – Moved to Serve
- Oct 1, 2017Part 4: Hannah – Desperate For God
- Sep 24, 2017Overcoming Temptation